Saturday, July 17, 2010

Orange Firefly Part two

This is more of the Orange Firefly

Continuing the Orange Firefly

After hearing Isabella, I ran to her aid. I didn't see her or the firefly. I looked around, and then I saw a hole in the trees roots. I noticed it was closing up. I saw a torn piece of Isabella's nightgown on one of the roots. Without thinking, I jumped into the darkness after her. "Sorry about the shock you two, but I needed you here right away!" said a very high and fast voice. I looked up. Isabella was quivering, and I saw the speaker...the firefly! "By the way, my name is Nymphadora, but some people call me Nymphie, which became Nym, which became The N. But you can call me Nymphie. No, actually Nym, No! Just stick with The N. Or maybe..." "How about weird firefly who took us into a weird world?" I interrupted sarcastically. "That'll do...but I must get you to the light queen's palace right away. She's been waiting." "Why?" asked Isabella. The firefly said, "Just follow me! I'm an expert on directions! Best guide in the world! Lead you anywhere..." "Just get on with it!" I snapped. After multiple twists and turns, we finally made it. The palace was crystal, and sparkly. Isabella stood outside of the door, taking it all in. I grabbed her and dragged her into the palace. "Greetings my friends." called a voice like bells. I looked and saw a beautiful woman, with long blonde hair and a blue dress. "I assume Nymphadora didn't cause you much trouble. Isabella and I looked at each other, and tried not to laugh. "It's okay," giggled the queen, "she's quite a hyper one." "Why do you want us?" asked Isabella. "You both are in great danger." said the queen grimly. And then and there, an alarm sounded.